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One Step Touching for a Healthy Life - Winiz

Company introduction

메인페이지Company introductionCEO's greeting

CEO's greeting

Safe walking, the first step toward a healthier life.

Thank you for visiting WINIZ's homepage.

We've been taking it for granted to walk.
But sometimes I suffer because my neighbor, my family,
or I can't walk for various reasons.

Walking is a basic movement in everyday life, and it is the beginning and end of rehabilitation.
We are developing an effective rehabilitation device for ASFR, a new concept rehabilitation method.

The ASFR treatment developed with clinical experts is well received by many experts In the midst of participation,
it is actively spreading as a new concept of rehabilitation treatment.

We promise to continue to be a company that continues to make concerns and efforts
for everyone's healthy life by continuing to carry out R&D.

CEO jeong bu hwan 위니즈 대표   정부환


Contact 1833-7107
Please contact us. We inform you of your questions in detail.