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One Step Touching for a Healthy Life - Winiz

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Effects of Play Rehabilitation

Turning a sick and hard treatment into a pleasant one!
What is the effect of playing rehabilitation?

Prior to "playing rehabilitation", "rehabilitation to receive" and "rehabilitation to do" refer to a rehabilitation paradigm that allows you to escape from the existing rehabilitation environment and enjoy rehabilitation. Through various programs such as walking, running, throwing, and kicking, the patient can feel interest and fun in rehabilitation, and in this process, participating in rehabilitation in an active manner rather than a passive attitude of the previous patient is very effective.

A Case Study on the Effect of Play Rehabilitation

재활효과 우측 편마비 환자
A patient with
right hemiplegia
재활효과 놀이재활 3일 후
3 days after
Play Rehabilitation
재활효과 놀이재활 20일 후
20 days after
Play Rehabilitation
재활효과 놀이재활 1개월 후
A month after
Play Rehabilitation
Kim * Ok, a chronic schizophrenic,
can walk independently in 1 month!

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